Today is consolidation domination, as we have site news for both Days 1,975 and 1,976.

Let's begin.

First up, in news pertaining to the Bonuses section, the Little Known Facts page has updated.

In Land Of Infusion news, the following updates have occurred:

  • Following its assessment, Sueno placed 32 out of 88 in Tier 12, thus it was eliminated from Catch-22 Hundred contention
  • Following its assessment, Death Race 2000 placed 33 out of 88 in Tier 12, thus it was eliminated from Catch-22 Hundred contention
  • Following its assessment, Unintended placed 34 out of 88 in Tier 12, thus it was eliminated from Catch-22 Hundred contention

And finally, in movie review news, Steve Kaycee's eighth movie review set, entitled "Statham To Statham" has launched via eBook on Amazon, as well as posting to both the Here Are The Reasons Why page and the ReFlix page via hyperlinked words. Plus, a corresponding poll for the brand-new movie review set has been created and can be found on the 24-7 page.

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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